Boys Volleyball kicked off their season with a win against Exeter-West Greenwich last week! Way to go Spartans!
about 1 month ago, Scituate School Department
boys volleyball
Our middle school Unified Basketball game against Feinstein last week was a ton of fun. Everyone did a great job!
about 1 month ago, Scituate School Department
unified basketball
unified basketball
Some students in Mrs. DiLuglio's 3rd grade class at North Scituate cashed in their Class Dojo points (250 points) to be "Teacher of the Day". On Class Dojo, students earn points for positive behavior and more!
about 1 month ago, Scituate School Department
North Scituate
North Scituate
During Spirit Week last week, Ms. Grundt's USI honors class showed their enthusiasm on USA day!
about 1 month ago, Scituate School Department
spirit week
Kindergarteners at Hope Elementary have been getting so good at using letters to make words! Great job everyone!
about 1 month ago, Scituate School Department
Check out some of our students creative artwork! Students in Portfolio class completed torn paper portraits. These two dog portraits were created by Alexis Pezzullo and Abbey Theroux! Ella Bailey created a piece of art in Portfolio class where she used a map and its unique characteristics to define shapes creatively! In Advanced Computer Imaging, Ruby Weissman created a portrait made entirely of Emojis!
about 1 month ago, Scituate School Department
During a Science4Us module on Eco Awareness, students in Mrs. Bettez's class at North Scituate Elementary made posters to show different ways to care for the Earth!
about 1 month ago, Scituate School Department
North Scituate
North Scituate
about 1 month ago, Scituate School Department
Both fifth grade classrooms, alongside their teachers Mrs. Serdechny and Mrs. McCann at Hope Elementary created an amazing STEAM Fair for the rest of the school. The students worked in teams to create engaging games/activities centered around a Fairy Tale theme. The younger students had a super hard time choosing a favorite activity! Thank you for all of your hard work!
about 1 month ago, Scituate School Department
Mrs. Dupre's class 1st grade class at North Scituate Elementary shared their carefully curated personal narratives at our Family Stories Showcase! Thank you to our families for attending this event!
about 1 month ago, Scituate School Department
family showcase
family showcase
Hope students and staff had so much fun celebrating Spirit Days in March!
about 2 months ago, Scituate School Department
spirit week
Way to go Hope students! Take a look at all of these positive office referrals that our students earned in March!
about 2 months ago, Scituate School Department
Hope Elementary
Clayville's fifth grade team finds so much success in and out of the classroom building on each other's strengths and ideas! Their ongoing collaboration brings out the champion in each and every one of them.
about 2 months ago, Scituate School Department
Scituate High School earned its Project ADAM Heart Safe School status this past week!! Project ADAM helps schools establish a plan to respond to sudden cardiac arrest. Maggie Colllins helped establish the plan and run practice drills as part of her senior project. Members of administration, teachers and town EMS participated in the final drill. We are one a few schools in Rhode Island to earn this status and we are prepared if we need to call the team together in a real emergency!
about 2 months ago, Scituate School Department
senior project
senior project
Everyone had a blast participating the Spartan Olympic Games at the end of the day today! Students enjoyed playing Tug-Of-War, Dodgeball, Around The World, and Hungry, Hungry Hippos and there were smiles all around. 💙🤍
about 2 months ago, Scituate School Department
Spartan Games
Spartan Games
Spartan Games
Spartan Games
Spartan Games
Spartan Games
Spartan Games
The Audubon Society of Rhode Island visited Clayville Elementary on Friday, March 22nd with Great Horned Owls and a Screech Owl! Students learned biofacts about the structure and functions that help these birds survive, the predator/prey dynamics, and the importance of habitat.
about 2 months ago, Scituate School Department
The month of March is known as Music in Our Schools Month and our Music Department has been very busy! They celebrated All State weekend, and the chorus performed in the state choral festival. Up next is Band Festival on April 11th!
about 2 months ago, Scituate School Department
music in our schools month
music in our schools month
Music in our schools month
Students in Mrs. Slaughter's Kindergarten class at North Scituate Elementary are learning how to add using number bonds. They learned how number bonds work by acting out addition stories on the rug. What fun!
about 2 months ago, Scituate School Department
Tristan Redmond received his award for having one of the top five written responses for the national Holocaust Art and Writing Contest at Chapman University! Way to go Tristan!!
about 2 months ago, Scituate School Department
chapman university